Fireworks are a sight to behold, with their dazzling display of vibrant colors and thunderous booms. There is also a risk of fires, explosions, and injury from pyrotechnics. You must take care if you want to enjoy fireworks safely.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) 2020 Annual Fireworks Report, the anticipated number of people wounded by consumer fireworks increased by 56% from 10,000 to 15,600 in June 2020. According to the study, there would be 18 non-occupational fireworks-related fatalities in 2020.
Whether you decided to visit public fireworks show or set off your own houses, ensure to do so safely. So here are some fireworks preventative measures to know.
How to Use Fireworks Safely
- Before lighting your fireworks, read the directions to ensure you're using them correctly.
- Fireworks should be launched in a well-lit, open location, away from people and flammable things. Children and dogs should be kept at a safe distance from the area.
- Never attempt to relight or pick up unlit pyrotechnics, as doing so increases the risk of injury or fire. Instead, wait till they've cooled before disposing of them.
- In case of an unintentional fire, keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby.
- Allow youngsters to handle or light pyrotechnics such as sparklers and firecrackers. Sparklers have a temperature of about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and cause more than one-quarter of all fireworks injuries. Fireworks events, particularly those involving sparklers, should always be supervised by an adult. It is never a good idea to let small children play with pyrotechnics.
- If you have drunk alcohol or are in any way inebriated, do not use fireworks.
- If it's windy, postpone your fireworks display. Sparks can be blown by the wind to surrounding structures, trees, or grass.
- When lighting fireworks, wear safety goggles.
- Never, ever, ever keep pyrotechnics in your pocket. They may become agitated as a result of the friction. When lighting the fuse, hold the fireworks in your hand or place any part of your body directly over them.
- Never transport pyrotechnics in containers made of plastic, metal, or glass.
- Never point a gun or throw pyrotechnics at someone. Observers should maintain a safe distance from the action.
- Take a fast step back after lighting each firecracker one at a time. Do not attempt to relight or handle damaged or shattered pyrotechnics.
Store fireworks safely.
- Outdoors, away from residential areas, fireworks should be stored. A secure storage facility is ideal. Pyrotechnics must be kept dry at all times, therefore store them properly.
- Wrap pyrotechnics tightly in sealed plastic bags if you must store them in a damp area, such as a greenhouse, cellar, or attic.
- Fireworks and other explosives should not be stored in self-storage units.
- Fireworks should be kept away from heat or ignition sources, as well as flammable materials.
- If small children or dogs have access to the area, keep fireworks firmly locked in a cupboard or other container.
Fireworks can be a lot of fun, but use caution when handling them.
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